head above water

rise to thrive

Next group program starting soon!
1:1 coaching based on availability.

Imagine feeling your best

I mean the BEST version of you…to feel like YOURSELF again! You are at your healthy weight, with tons of energy, feeling great in your clothes! You are rockin’ thru your day juggling kids, family, career, taking time for yourself and taking care of others. You are nourishing your mind and body, feeling centered, less reactive, and are able to handle all the things life throws your way! You are a Head Above Water!




Are you tired of…

Feeling like everything is a struggle? Do you feel constant anxiety, overwhelm, and frustration? Are you becoming someone you don’t even recognize or like? These struggles are real! Not being able to lose weight. Not being able to finish projects. Not being present with your kids or partner. Getting lost in distractions. Feeling frozen while life is racing by. You feel stuck. You feel lost because it didn’t use to be this way, things didn’t use to be so hard. You feel frustrated because success in life use to come so easy. You can’t figure out what you are doing wrong! With every step you take forward, you feel pushed back by two or more. You feel defeated.

Trust me

I get it.

I was at a point in my life where I would tell my friends I feel like I am constantly being pulled 6 inches under water barely coming up to gasp a breath of air. My chest felt tight. I was reactive. I was scattered. I felt defeated. But that is NOT what it looked like on the outside to others! I had made it through a terrible divorce, I was raising my amazing kids as a single parent, I was working for myself rebuilding my fitness business. I was “happy” had a a smile on my face and radiated health and joy to my friends and clients. So who and what was this on the inside? I started a deep dive that led me years into the emotional/mindful/spiritual side of health and I started to see so much in my life from a different perspective. I studied Universal Laws, I researched meditations, I followed spiritual leaders, I took classes, read books, took programs…..I became a neuroscience junkie and I loved it! There were many a-ha moments that I had over the years but one of the greatest is when I realized that most of my anxiety, overwhelm, and frustration was due to ONE SIMPLE REASON…..I was Struggling Against Myself.


If you are depressed, you are living in the past.

If you are anxious, you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

lao tzu


Unlock Your True Transformation

Reclaim Your Health and Happiness

The truth is transformation may seem like it is the final outcome we all seek, but anyone who experiences TRUE transformation in their life (whether health, relationships, career, spiritual) knows it is the journey along the way, and the experiences that build the beautiful result.

This transformation is something you learn by getting honest with yourself, learning how to release and replace things in your life, but most important learning to tune into your inner wisdom, your inner guidance, and to know you have all the answers you need to live and feel your best!

But it doesn’t need to take years of struggling, searching, and seeing what works…This transformation is about the tools and techniques to become the one true expert in your own life.

The head above water

Signature Framework

Head Above Water is a comprehensive Health, Wellness, & Life Coaching program that uses an integrative "Fusion" approach fusing Mind, Body, & Soul into the program at all levels. Blending universal laws, ancient wisdom, scientific-based techniques but most important YOUR knowledge of who you are and really want to be. This program blends over 10 years of research in the mindset, holistic health, and alternative approaches as well as 25 years of experience In the health and fitness industry to give you the tools to live the happy, healthy life you desire and deserve without having to spend years doing your own research rather implement what you learn quickly and easily,


head above water

a comprehensive Health, Wellness, & Life Coaching program

Once you've joined the program, you will schedule your initial assessment call where we will do a comprehensive assessment of where you are at right now along with basic goals before starting the modules and can join the private Facebook group.

This is for you if:

You are ready to get real

You are ready to take a deep dive

You want real change in your life

Head above water is for those who are tired of feeling frustrated and want to be empowered with Real knowledge and wisdom they can carry and use in all areas of their life. It is for those who want to FEEL GOOD again and achieve their goals with clarity. It is for those who are tired of struggling and want to live the full healthy, happy life they desire and deserve!

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This is not for you if:

You are looking to complain

You are looking to make excuses

You are looking to PLAY THE VICTIM

There may be reasons why you are struggling but we identify them and move beyond rather than staying in a stuck story. This is NOT for you if you don’t believe you have the ability or power to make positive changes in your health, mindset, and life. This is NOT for you if you want to just follow a cookie cutter program and not think for yourself or put in any real effort.

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Meet your coach


I am an exercise physiologist and have worked in the fitness industry for over 25 years teaching thousands of classes and training hundreds of clients. Exercise, sports, and dance have always been a big part of my life. I moved thru my fitness career soon expanding into overall health, integrative nutrition, and holistic healing. I started early on “coaching” my clients thru their life problems during their workout sessions. That is when I first realized so much of our health is affected by other areas in our life (and vice versa) and how exercise and eating programs really needed to be tailored to each person. Over the years I have co-owned my own fitness studio, developed programs, ran fitness departments, mentored and trained others in the field. I am also a mom of 2 amazing now teenagers who have been both my motivation and my biggest fans. I have loved volunteering in their schools when they were younger, helping coach their sports, being “team mom” and giving them the opportunities in life I imagined for them and was commitment to providing them in this life even after my divorce when they were young. It was my divorce over 10 years ago that forced me to look at my life differently and where I had “gone wrong”. This was the beginning of my journey, the deep dive I mentioned earlier, and my quest to study this other side of health for emotional/mental/spiritual wellbeing and happiness. I truly believe we each have access to our higher self and the ability to expand and grow to a better version of ourself with optimal health, love, and happiness! This has been the philosophy of my business Jen’s Fusion Fitness & Coaching…Fusing Mind, Body, & Soul! From this space is where I have now been able to put everything I’ve learned over the years into my signature program, Head Above Water, and am excited to share it all with you!


The Modules*

See what’s inside


Module 1-2:

Self-assessment, Snap-shot of current Life, & Circles of Life to gain clear picture of where you are starting and where you are wanting to go, and why. Being Honest.

Module 3-4:

Suffering-Thriving Scale, Life standards in goals, Emotional Health, Thoughts are things, Meditation. Taking responsibility.

Module 5-6:

The balancing game, What does this look like, Respond vs. React. Being accountable for actions.

Module 7-8:

Course correction, Mindset, Gratitude, Life choices.

*Modules will also include exercise and nutrition guidance to help students build their physical well-being through the program based off their initial assessment and individual goals.

Not your average life coaching program

This is a comprehensive health, fitness, & life coaching program that covers all areas of your health and life. The Circles of Life approach teaches you how to be your own best expert in your health and life. It teaches you how to balance daily responsibilities and stress with your goals and aspirations. It guides you to your inner wisdom. It is an integrative approach, as you learn and practice the simple tools you gain the ability to navigate anything life brings your way.

After completing this program you will…

Not only have a completely different outlook on your health and life, you will be able to see the choices you’ve made over the years and why, which gives you the ability to make new choices in an empowering way. You gain the ability to tap into your intuition, your inner wisdom, your higher self and create and live your path to optimal health and a meaningful, happy life, however that looks for you! After this program you will have found yourself again and will be evolving into the next best version of you that you desire and deserve!

Ready to Dive in?

How to join


Step 1

Secure your spot

Click the “I’m ready to Thrive!” Button below and you will be redirected to the check-out page.

Step 2

Schedule your 1:1

Once checkout process is complete, you are in and can schedule your 1:1 initial assessment call.

Step 3

Get the schedule

Check your email for confirmation, class schedule, and other program details.

Step 4


Congratulate yourself on taking this step for YOURSELF!


The Investment

Choose you path


Group Coaching

One Payment of


1:1 Coaching

Three Payments of


1:1 Coaching

One Payment of



What’s Included

  • Initial 1:1 30-min assessment call (preferably before module 1 or within first couple weeks)

  • (8) 75—min Weekly Group Coaching calls (replays will be available)

  • Modules Worksheets to complement the coaching calls.

  • Private Facebook group for support, inspiration, and accountability

  • (1) 30-min laser 1:1 coaching call (recommended during last couple module weeks)

  • (1) End of Program Live Group Coaching call to celebrate wins and support future steps (Week 10)

Plus you’ll get these


Bonus 1

Access to my weekly Zoom fitness classes during program ($150 value)

Bonus 2

Weekly Meal Plan & Prep Guide ($75 value)

Bonus 3

Goal Setting & Time Block Guide ($75 value)

Need more time to decide?

Join my email list

Join my email list for free exercise tips, health research, meal planning, stress release techniques, and mini-coaching where you can submit a question on an area you need help in!


Frequently Asked

  • No! This program will teach and guide you to create and make your own meal plan based on your individual nutrition needs and current life demands.

  • No! You will be guided to choose and implement exercise into you daily/weekly life based on your needs, goals, and schedule.

  • No! You may be very religious/spiritual or not at all. The tools and techniques used are based on scientific data that supports how we can change our minds to help change our lives. How "connected" one feels is an individual experience.

  • No! There will be replays available shortly after the live calls you can watch at your convenience. I recommend trying to stay on schedule as best doing one each week but can easily be made up if life gets you off track.

  • There is no refund once the initial assessment call has been scheduled.

  • Depending on the type of question, you may post in the private Facebook group, email jennifer@jensfusion.com, or send test/messages that will be provided once in the program. Typical response time varies but will be within 12-24 hrs Monday-Friday 8-5 EST.

head above water

Rise to Thrive